Many individuals choose to hire a matchmaker because they seek dedicated assistance in finding their ideal match. They often find apps and online dating confusing, unsuccessful, and unsuitable for their unique needs. Some feel they require assistance in meeting people and recognize that they may be unable to find a suitable match on their own. Often, people turn to matchmakers after unsuccessful attempts with various social groups, believing that one-on-one matching offers a better chance of success.
Personal matchmaking is distinct from a dating service in several ways. Most notably, personal matchmaking involves getting to know each person in our database personally, which allows us to offer a highly personalized matchmaking process. We conduct meetings and provide background checks for every individual beforehand. Matchmaking focuses on providing quality matches for each person's preferences and needs and the appropriate support services.
Relationship Coaching plays a crucial role in assisting those with social difficulties to develop the necessary skills for successful interactions and relationships. Our hands-on coaching approach guides individuals through all stages and interactions as relationships progress. Relationship coaching helps individuals navigate social interactions and relationships effectively.
While our primary focus is on the Tri-State metro area, we have recently expanded to serve throughout the country as well.
When a match is identified, we contact both members and provide them with details about their match, including each other's contact information. It is then up to both parties and their families to arrange a meeting, including any necessary chaperones. However, at times a member may arrange to have a coach participate in the meeting, when this happens the coach will set up the meeting.
Following a date or meeting, we contact both parties to gather feedback. If the match is unsuitable, we use the feedback to improve future matchmaking experiences. Understanding your likes, dislikes, and preferences is vital to offer future matches effectively.
Absolutely, we embrace and cater to all sexual and gender identities.
To get started, you can register and pay on the Pricing & Payment page by selecting a membership and completing the payment. Following registration, we will send a contract to both you and your parent/guardian to be signed immediately.
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Matchmaking for the Socially Challenged offers matchmaking services across the NYC Tri-State Area, as well as nationwide.
Qualifications for Membership
Members agree that they are at least 18 years of age, single, legally separated, divorced or widowed. Members must not have any criminal convictions and must be looking for a committed relationship. Romantic relationships must be monogamous.
Cancelation Policy
Members have 48 hours after registering to notify Matchmaking for the Socially Challenged in writing of their intent to cancel their membership.